
Tips for asserting yourself

In the course of a story a young person succeeds in strengthening his self-esteem and, with better esteem, he can thus find tricks to assert himself more!

Sincere thanks to the young people of Quebec High School in Quebec City who lent their voices to the characters of this animated cartoon band. Thanks to Félix Turner Dufour, Emma Barnard. Nicolas J. Arsenault, Sarah Luger, Nikki Rourke and Maxim Luger!

Animated cartoon in french with, below, its soundtrack in english


A Step Closer to Self-esteem

To combat bullying:
Building Self-esteem and Assertiveness: Learn!

This sketch workshop aim to give concrete tips and tricks to help children and young people develop their autonomy in developing their assertiveness in order to better react to bullying situations.

Sincere thanks to the young people of Quebec High School in Quebec City who lent their voices to the characters of this animated cartoon band. Thanks to Félix Turner Dufour, Emma Barnard. Nicolas J. Arsenault, Sarah Luger, Nikki Rourke and Maxim Luger!

Animated cartoon in french with, below, its soundtrack in english

1er atelier : Un pas de plus vers l'estime de soi